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2023 年年度领先白领刑事辩护律师 - 佛罗里达州
INTERPOL Red Notice Attorney Miami | Estlund Law
2020 年、2021 年和 2022 年
Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Logo
Avvo Rating 10.0 Superb Logo
Top 100 Trial Lawyers Logo
Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Logo
Florida Legal Elite 2015 Award Logo
Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Logo

2020 年、2021 年和 2022 年最佳律师


Avvo 评级 10.0 优秀,2009-2021

Avvo 评级是 Avvo.com(在线律师名录)使用的 1 到 10 分数,根据 Avvo 个人资料的内容对个人律师进行评级。

佛罗里达州刑事辩护律师协会,主席,2019-2020 年;迈阿密分会


该奖项的评选基于全面的多阶段目标和统一应用流程,其中包括同行提名与第三方研究相结合。会员资格仅适用于来自每个州或地区的少数最有资格的律师,他们在领导力、声誉、影响力、地位和公众形象方面表现出卓越的资格,并按照州律师协会和国家规则 4- 的客观和统一适用的标准进行衡量7.
Michelle Estlund Giving a Speech
Michelle Estlund Rodney Thaxton Award

2013 年佛罗里达州刑事辩护律师协会主席奖;迈阿密分会

佛罗里达州刑事辩护律师协会 Rodney Thaxton“排除万难”2018 年;迈阿密分会


佛罗里达趋势 2015 年佛罗里达法律精英


Awards & Recognition

Best Lawyers 2020

Best Lawyers lists are compiled by conducting exhaustive peer-review surveys in which tens of thousands of leading lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers. If the votes for an attorney are positive enough for inclusion in Best Lawyers, that attorney must maintain those votes in subsequent polls to remain on the list for each edition. Lawyers are not permitted to pay any fee to participate in or be included on their lists.

Florida Trend’s Florida Legal Elite 2015

The Florida Trend’s Florida Legal Elite is a prestigious roster of attorneys chosen for recognition by their peers. All in-state members of the Florida Bar are asked to name attorneys whom they hold in the highest regard or would recommend to others.

Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers President’s Award 2013; Miami Chapter

This award is presented annually by the chapter’s president to a member who has performed an outstanding service for the chapter. 

Avvo Rating 10.0 Superb

An Avvo rating is a 1 to 10 score used by Avvo.com—an online directory of lawyers–to rate individual attorneys based on the contents of their Avvo profile.

Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Rodney Thaxton “Against All Odds” 2018; Miami Chapter

This honor is awarded to a criminal defense attorney who has chosen to represent an especially difficult or unpopular client or cause, and while doing so, epitomizes the heart and spirit of criminal defense, which is the courage to stand apart as the last champion of Liberty.

The National Top 100 Trial Lawyers

Selection for this award is based on a thorough multi-phase objective and uniformly applied process which includes peer nominations combined with third-party research. Membership is extended only to the select few of the most qualified attorneys from each state or region who demonstrate superior qualifications of leadership, reputation, influence, stature and public profile measured by objective and uniformly applied standards in compliance with state bar and national Rule 4-7.



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